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Posted Thu 25 May 2017

It is with great pleasure that we welcome to the DRG team Ms Patience Wellbeing. Patience may be know to some of you as she is no stranger to the world of plastic surgery. She is as glamorous as she is elusive and we are delighted that she has agreed to contribute to our new blog.

Patience will be keeping you abreast of new developments in the field, as well as getting some contentious issues off her chest. She will give you tips (but no wrinkles), an insight into hot topics (but no burning issues - she takes sun protection very seriously) and valuable beauty hacks.

She is up to date and down to earth, outspoken and in the know. She will give you hot news and cold hard facts, the low down and the head lines - watch this space!

Lastly, no puns please about her name. Believe me, Patience has heard them all.

If you do run into Patience at any events of the summer season, be sure to say hello. Her social calendar is well filled.