'Hot out here, both on deck and below. Passed between Africa and the Canaries about 2 days ago. Now passing the Cape Verde group of islands. With the wind behind us, truly in the Trade Winds, all our sailing is with the spinnaker up. It has to be constantly trimmed to maximise performance. We take it in 30 minute stints as concentration is important. Night times are cooler and a welcome relief from the searing heat. We are constantly being visited by migratory birds that have been blown off course. The poor things land and wander round the deck, but sadly their journeys are over and eventually they are returned to the sea. More of a nuisance at night are flying fish. The first you know is they've hit you,. They smell and are not good to eat, so are thrown back."
David Gateley, Consultant Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon