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Tue 14 November 2017

Each year I travel to Kathmandu in Nepal to work at a local hospital on the outskirts in one of the suburbs of Kathmandu called Kirtipur. The team of plastic surgeons there number 5 attendings and 4-5 trainees. They are supported by a hand therapy unit and a burns intensive care unit. They do great work there under very difficult financial conditions.


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Fri 3 November 2017

It’s that time of year again when the C word is beginning to be whispered, or rather shouted, in every retail park in the country: Christmas is coming. Doe eyed models pout from every Christmas catalogue – they clearly haven’t got the in laws coming to stay. Perfect families grin across tables laden with festive treats – no one’s in a strop, having a tantrum or shouting: ‘That’s it! I’ve had it. You can buy your own presents!’ Shops brim with black, red and gold sequinned numbers – just right for cold weather then the boiler’s playing up. Don’t we love the festive countdown.


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Wed 11 October 2017

I have just got back from the POLYTECH Health & Aesthetics factory in Germany near Frankfurt, having spent a day looking around their breast implant manufacturing facility. I was interested to go because they are one of the few companies that now manufacture polyurethane coated breast implants. Of course, with the concerns around Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma, I was keen to understand from POLYTECH their view on the current scientific data out there and what their thoughts are in terms of the use of a polyurethane surfaced implant as opposed to a silicone textured implant. They manufacture smooth walled implants, silicone textured implants and polyurethane textured implants. They are well positioned within the market to have a view on the entire range of breast implants available for patients wishing to consider breast augmentation.


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Fri 6 October 2017

Society is obsessed with age. It’s the new hot topic as our demographic changes. Life expectancy is growing by 5 hours a day and a third of people born today can expect to live to 100. The average age in Britain is now over 40.