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Fat Injection

What is it?

Fat injection is a technique that transfers fat from one area of the body to another. It is used to restore shape, volume and definition to the breasts. Fat is harvested from fat rich areas such as the buttock, thigh or abdomen, with minimal access liposuction techniques, where the scars are hidden in natural crease lines. The fat is then separated and concentrated before being injected with a cannula into the areas of the breasts requiring treatment. The process has been dramatically refined over recent years to increase the survival of the fat once it has been injected.

Why have it?

In the breast it can offer an increase of 1-2 cup sizes and avoid the need for implants. This might be something you would consider as an alternative to using a silicone implant. It can also be combined with an uplift procedure and address minor volume asymmetry. Fat grafting is also useful to correct breast scar indentations.

Reasons not to have it?

Liposuction can cause swelling and bruising and pressure garments are advised following this. If you are thin, liposuction for fat grafting can cause some contour irregularities where the fat is harvested. Temporary numbness can occur. Fat grafting also normally takes 2 to 3 sessions before the final volume is achieved.

Aspirin increases the risk of bleeding by preventing blood from clotting. If you are taking aspirin you will be asked to stop this for at least ten days before the procedure.

The Short Version

Removing fat from one area to increase and improve volume in another. Swelling and bruising are common but you need enough fat stores to have the procedure. It normally takes 2-3 sessions to achieve the desired result.

Procedure Stats

  • General Anaesthetic
  • In Patient
  • Recovery 4-6 Weeks

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